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Laravel Crud Generator

Packagist Licence StyleCI

This Laravel CRUD Generator v2.x package provides and generates Controller, Model (with eloquent relations), and Views in Bootstrap/Tailwind CSS for the development of your applications with a single command. This new v2.x will have stack options like bootstrap, tailwind, livewire(Livewire views will be generated in Tailwind CSS), and API only.

This is the best crud generator for a blank Laravel project installation too. This will auto install the starter kit laravel/breeze or laravel/ui (for bootstrap 5) for blank Laravel installation.


Laravel >= 10.x
PHP >= 8.1


1 - Install

composer require ibex/crud-generator --dev

2- Publish the default package’s config (optional)

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=crud

For older Laravel(<10.x) versions please use v1.x

composer require ibex/crud-generator:1.6 --dev


php artisan make:crud {table_name}

php artisan make:crud banks

Add a route in web.php

Route::resource('banks', BankController::class);

For Livewire add routes below

Route::get('/banks', \App\Livewire\Banks\Index::class)->name('banks.index');
Route::get('/banks/create', \App\Livewire\Banks\Create::class)->name('banks.create');
Route::get('/banks/show/{bank}', \App\Livewire\Banks\Show::class)->name('');
Route::get('/banks/update/{bank}', \App\Livewire\Banks\Edit::class)->name('banks.edit');

For api add routes below

Route::apiResource('banks', BankController::class);

Route name in plural slug case.


php artisan make:crud banks bootstrap //This will create views in Bootstrap 5 using Blade php artisan make:crud banks tailwind //This will create views in Tailwind css using Blade php artisan make:crud banks livewire //This will create views in Tailwind css with Livewire components php artisan make:crud banks api //This will create API only controllers

 - Custom Route

php artisan make:crud {table_name} –route={route_name}

## Examples

<img width="100%" alt="image" src="">

<img width="100%" alt="image" src="">

*Livewire component*
<img width="100%" alt="image" src="">

*API only controller*

<img width="500" alt="image" src="">

*Tailwind CSS*
<img width="100%" alt="image" src="">


*Tailwind Form*

<img width="756" alt="image" src="">

*Bootstrap Form*

## Personalize  
You have the possibility of 100% customizing the generated views, this is achieved in the following way:    

- Run this command `php artisan vendor:publish --tag=crud` this will create the `crud.php` file in your config/ folder.
- Update the variable `stub_path`, to your own stub folder like `'stub_path' => resource_path('stubs/'),`  
- Copy the stubs files from package

php artisan vendor:publish –tag=stubs-crud ```


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